Urethral Stricture Disease

Paul H. Chung, MD, FACS
Reconstructive Urologist & Erectile Dysfunction Specialist located in Philadelphia, PA
Urethral stricture disease can cause difficult symptoms, including difficulty urinating, chronic urinary tract infections, and pain when you urinate. Fortunately, this condition is highly treatable when you have a urethral stricture treatment specialist helping you. Paul H. Chung, MD, a fellowship-trained reconstructive surgeon, offers the best in urethral stricture disease treatment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Book your appointment by calling the office nearest you now.
Urethral Stricture Disease Q & A
What is urethral stricture disease?
Urethral stricture disease is a condition in which you have scar tissue build-up in your urethra, the tube that urine passes through as it leaves your bladder. A urethral stricture can partially block urine flow and can cause a number of symptoms, such as:
- Weak urine stream
- Straining to urinate
- Pain or irritation when you urinate
- Dribbling after urination
- Inability to fully empty your bladder
- Chronic urinary tract infections
- Blood in your urine
- Blood in semen
These urinary symptoms can also occur in other conditions, so it’s important to see Dr. Chung for diagnosis and treatment promptly.
How are urethral strictures diagnosed?
Dr. Chung performs a physical exam and other tests to diagnose urethral strictures. Your testing may include cystoscopy or imaging studies such as X-rays or ultrasound.
What causes urethral strictures?
There are many potential causes of urethral structures, including:
- Radiation exposure during prostate cancer treatment
- Hypospadias, congenital urethral opening on the underside of your penis
- Blunt trauma to your genitals
- Pelvic fracture
- Infection
- Following other urological surgery (iatrogenic)
In some cases, there’s no discernible cause for urethral strictures.
What is the best treatment for urethral strictures?
Urethral stricture treatment is typically either minimally invasive or open surgery. Options include:
Urethral dilation and urethrotomy
Urethral dilation and urethrotomy are minimally invasive procedures that Dr. Chung performs with a camera through your urethra to stretch or incise the stricture to restore normal flow. These may be a good option for some patients, but in general, these procedures do not provide long-lasting success and patients frequently require repeat procedures throughout their lifetime.
Urethroplasty is an open surgery in which Dr. Chung removes the stricture completely. He then reconnects and reconstructs disrupted tissue. If needed, Dr. Chung performs buccal graft using tissue from inside your mouth or a skin flap graft using penile skin to reconstruct your urethra. See the before and after urethroplasty X-ray images below to see the improvement in the urethral lumen after the scar tissue has been removed.
Dr. Chung discusses your unique needs with you to help you decide on the right surgery for your urethral stricture disease. He’s a fellowship-trained reconstructive surgeon who specializes in urethral stricture surgery. He treats both new and recurrent strictures.
Call the office of Paul H. Chung, MD, nearest you for urethral stricture treatment in Philadelphia now.